chiquito - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chiquito (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective (also sometimes used as a noun).

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options

  1. little
  2. small
  3. tiny
  4. young (when referring to age)

Meaning and Usage

The term "chiquito" is commonly used in Spanish-speaking contexts to describe someone or something that is small in size. It often conveys affection and endearment, especially when referring to children or pets. In certain regional contexts, it can also mean 'young' or 'childish.' In general, "chiquito" is used frequently in both oral and written forms, though it tends to be more prevalent in informal contexts, especially in conversations, storytelling, and expressions of familiarity.

Example Sentences

  1. El niño es muy chiquito para ir solo a la escuela.
    The boy is too little to go to school by himself.

  2. Me compré un coche chiquito que es perfecto para la ciudad.
    I bought a small car that is perfect for the city.

  3. Siempre elijo chiquitos para mis proyectos de manualidades.
    I always choose tiny ones for my craft projects.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chiquito" is often part of idiomatic expressions or colloquial phrases in Spanish-speaking cultures. Here are some examples:

  1. Hacer de chiquito
    To act childish or immature.
    E.g., "Cuando se enoja, siempre hace de chiquito."
    When he gets angry, he always acts childish.

  2. Chiquito pero matón
    Small but fierce (referring to someone who might be small in size but possesses a strong character).
    E.g., "El perro es chiquito pero matón; siempre ahuyenta a los extraños."
    The dog is small but fierce; he always scares away strangers.

  3. Más chiquito que un botón
    Smaller than a button (to describe something that is very tiny).
    E.g., "Ese gato es más chiquito que un botón."
    That cat is smaller than a button.


The word "chiquito" comes from the diminutive form of "chico," which itself derives from "chico" meaning small or little, which likely stems from the Latin word "cācus," meaning small or low.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Pequeño (small) - Diminuto (tiny) - Menor (younger)

Antonyms: - Grande (big) - Enorme (huge) - Gigante (giant)

In summary, "chiquito" is an affectionate term commonly used to denote something small or young, with a strong presence in idiomatic expressions reflecting its nuances in different contexts.
