chismear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chismear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Usage

"Chismear" is a colloquial verb primarily used in informal contexts to refer to the act of gossiping or discussing personal matters about others, often involving rumors or sensational information. It is frequently employed in both spoken and written Spanish, with a tendency towards oral communication, especially in casual settings.

Frequency of Use

"Chismear" is commonly used in everyday conversations among friends and acquaintances, typically in informal settings like cafes, homes, or social gatherings.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta chismear con mis amigos durante el almuerzo.
    I like to gossip with my friends during lunch.

  2. A veces, chismear puede causar problemas entre las personas.
    Sometimes, gossiping can cause problems between people.

  3. No deberías chismear sobre ellos si no sabes la verdad.
    You shouldn't gossip about them if you don't know the truth.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chismear" appears in several idiomatic expressions, highlighting the nuances of gossiping in various contexts.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Chismear a espaldas de alguien.
    To gossip behind someone's back.
    No deberías chismear a espaldas de ella; es muy desleal.
    You shouldn't gossip behind her back; it's very disloyal.

  2. Chismear como si no hubiera un mañana.
    To gossip like there’s no tomorrow.
    En esa fiesta, todos chismeaban como si no hubiera un mañana.
    At that party, everyone was gossiping like there was no tomorrow.

  3. Chismear y no parar.
    Gossiping non-stop.
    Ella puede chismear y no parar; siempre tiene algo que contar.
    She can gossip non-stop; she always has something to tell.

  4. No te dejes llevar por el chisme.
    Don't get carried away by gossip.
    Es mejor no dejarse llevar por el chisme, ya que muchas veces no es cierto.
    It's better not to get carried away by gossip, as it is often not true.


The word "chismear" derives from the noun "chisme," which means gossip or rumor. The origins of "chisme" are somewhat unclear, but it is believed to come from the Arabic word "šīma" meaning "evil sign," reflecting the negative connotations often associated with gossiping.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of "chismear" captures its multifaceted nature in the Spanish language, along with its common usage in various contexts.
