chistar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chistar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "chistar" means to make a sound to indicate someone should be quiet, often used in a commanding or admonishing manner. It typically conveys the action of shushing or silencing someone. In terms of usage frequency, "chistar" is more common in oral speech than in written context, as it is often used in spontaneous conversations, particularly in informal settings.

Example Sentences

  1. "El maestro chistó para que los estudiantes se callaran durante la clase."
    "The teacher hushed so that the students would be quiet during the class."

  2. "Cuando llegó la noticia, todos comenzaron a chistar para escuchar mejor."
    "When the news arrived, everyone began to hush to hear better."

  3. "Ella le chistó al perro para que dejara de ladrar."
    "She shushed the dog to make it stop barking."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chistar" itself is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, the action it describes may appear in phrases that indicate the concept of silencing or quieting someone. Examples include:

  1. "No chistes en la clase."
    "No shushing in class." – An expression indicating that one should remain silent in a particular context.

  2. "Chistando a media voz.”
    "Hushing in a low voice." – Referring to the act of trying to quietly silence someone or something.

  3. "Chistando a los niños para que no hagan ruido."
    "Hushing the children so they don't make noise." – Used when trying to maintain a quiet environment.


The origin of "chistar" can be traced back to some dialects of Spanish in which the sound of shushing is denoted by similar phonetic expressions. The roots of this term lie in the idea of making a soft, hushing sound that is recognized across various cultures.

Synonyms and Antonyms
