chistoso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chistoso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "chistoso" is an adjective used in the Spanish language to describe someone or something that is funny, amusing, or comical. It generally carries a positive connotation and is often used to describe individuals who have a sense of humor or to refer to situations that provoke laughter.

The frequency of usage for "chistoso" is moderate; it can be found both in oral speech and written contexts, although it is likely to appear more frequently in informal settings such as conversations, jokes, or social media.

Example Sentences

  1. Mi amigo es muy chistoso y siempre me hace reír.
    (My friend is very funny and always makes me laugh.)

  2. Vi una película chistosa anoche que me hizo llorar de risa.
    (I watched a funny movie last night that made me cry with laughter.)

  3. El chistoso del grupo siempre tiene un comentario gracioso.
    (The funny one in the group always has a humorous comment.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chistoso" is often found in various idiomatic expressions within the Spanish language. Here are some noteworthy examples:

  1. "Hacer chistes chistosos"
    (To make funny jokes)
    Ejemplo: A Juan le encanta hacer chistes chistosos en las fiestas.
    (Juan loves to make funny jokes at parties.)

  2. "Tener un chistoso sentido del humor"
    (To have a funny sense of humor)
    Ejemplo: María tiene un chistoso sentido del humor que a todos nos encanta.
    (Maria has a funny sense of humor that we all love.)

  3. "Estar en un momento chistoso"
    (To be in a funny moment)
    Ejemplo: El espectáculo estuvo lleno de momentos chistosos.
    (The show was full of funny moments.)

  4. "Ser el chistoso de la clase"
    (To be the funny one of the class)
    Ejemplo: Carlos siempre es el chistoso de la clase, nunca para de hacer reír a los demás.
    (Carlos is always the funny one in class; he never stops making others laugh.)

  5. "Chistoso como un payaso"
    (Funny like a clown)
    Ejemplo: El comediante es chistoso como un payaso, siempre tiene algo gracioso que decir.
    (The comedian is funny like a clown; he always has something humorous to say.)


The word "chistoso" originates from the Spanish term "chiste," which means "joke." The augmentative form of "chistoso," meaning someone who tells jokes or is witty, began appearing in colloquial Spanish. It is derived from the transition of meanings in language as it evolved through cultures that appreciate humor and amusement.

Synonyms and Antonyms


