chocante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chocante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "chocante" in Spanish is primarily used to describe something that causes shock or surprise, whether due to its nature, appearance, or behavior. It can refer to something that is disturbing, unexpected, or has a powerful emotional impact. The term is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions surrounding shocking news, events, or artworks. The frequency is moderate to high in contemporary use, correlating to its relevance in discussing societal issues, culture, and personal experiences.

Example Sentences

  1. La noticia de su accidente fue chocante para todos.
    The news of his accident was shocking to everyone.

  2. La película tenía escenas tan chocantes que algunos espectadores se desmayaron.
    The movie had such shocking scenes that some viewers fainted.

  3. Su actitud chocante durante la reunión sorprendió a todos.
    His shocking attitude during the meeting surprised everyone.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chocante" is not the most common term in idiomatic expressions, it can be associated with phrases that convey notions of surprise or disruption. Here are related expressions where "chocante" might be applicable:

  1. Chocante como un balde de agua fría
    Shocking like a bucket of cold water.
  2. Used to describe a sudden realization or revelation.
  3. La noticia le cayó chocante como un balde de agua fría.
    The news hit him shocking like a bucket of cold water.

  4. No me lo esperaba, fue un chocante giro de la trama
    I didn't see it coming, it was a shocking twist in the plot.

  5. Refers to unexpected developments in stories or situations.
  6. La película estaba bien, pero el final fue un chocante giro de la trama.
    The movie was good, but the ending was a shocking twist in the plot.

  7. Situación chocante
    Shocking situation.

  8. Refers to a scenario that is hard to believe or unsettling.
  9. La situación del país es chocante para muchos ciudadanos.
    The situation in the country is shocking to many citizens.


The word "chocante" is derived from the verb "chocar," which means to collide, clash, or confront in Spanish. The suffix "-ante" is often used in Spanish to form adjectives that indicate an ongoing action or quality, thus "chocante" describes something that causes a clash or confrontation of emotions.



In summary, "chocante" is an adjective used to describe something that evokes shock or surprise, often associated with emotional or social contexts. Its applications in both idiomatic expressions and everyday language reveal its versatility in communication.
