chochear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chochear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Chochear" is a colloquial verb primarily used in various Spanish-speaking regions, particularly in Latin America. It generally refers to the act of chatting in a frivolous or nonsensical manner, similar to "babbling" in English. The term is often associated with light, trivial conversations and can sometimes imply a lack of seriousness. It is used more frequently in oral speech than in written contexts, making it a common expression among friends and in informal settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Los niños comenzaron a chochear en el parque mientras jugaban.
    The children started to chatter in the park while playing.

  2. No puedo concentrarme porque están chocheando todo el tiempo.
    I can't concentrate because they are babbling all the time.

  3. Mi abuelo a veces chochea historias de su juventud.
    My grandfather sometimes talks nonsense about his youth.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chochear" is not commonly found in fixed idiomatic phrases. However, it can be used in various contexts that reflect trivial talk or silly conversations. Below are some examples that incorporate the essence of "chochear":

  1. Siempre que se reúnen, acaban chocheando en lugar de hacer los deberes.
    Whenever they gather, they end up chattering instead of doing their homework.

  2. A veces es divertido chochear, pero no deberíamos olvidarnos de los temas importantes.
    Sometimes it's fun to babble, but we shouldn't forget about important topics.

  3. Me molesta cuando empiezan a chochear en medio de una reunión seria.
    It annoys me when they start babbling in the middle of a serious meeting.

  4. Aunque es bueno chochear de vez en cuando, hay que saber cuándo ser serio.
    Although it's good to chatter once in a while, one must know when to be serious.


The word "chochear" is derived from the Latin word "coucou," which refers to a type of bird known for its distinctive call. The evolution of "chochear" reflects how the term transitioned from imitating sounds made by birds to representing light, frivolous conversation.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides insights into the meaning, usage, and context of the word "chochear" in Spanish.
