choclo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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choclo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Choclo" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In the context of several South American countries, particularly Argentina and Chile, "choclo" commonly refers to sweet corn, especially when served as a food item. It is frequently used in culinary contexts, often referring to dishes made with corn or the corn itself when it is not dried or processed into other forms.

"Choclo" is more prevalent in oral speech due to its colloquial nature, often featuring in everyday conversations rather than formal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. En el verano, me gusta comer choclo asado en la parrilla.
  2. In the summer, I enjoy eating grilled corn on the barbecue.

  3. El choclo es un ingrediente importante en la preparación del pastel de choclo.

  4. The corn is an important ingredient in making corn pie.

  5. Compré choclo fresco en el mercado para hacer una sopa.

  6. I bought fresh corn at the market to make a soup.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "choclo" may not be found in many idiomatic expressions, its culinary context means it can be part of regional sayings or phrases centered around food. The following idiomatic expressions employ other terms but relate to "choclo":

  1. "Más perdido que choclo en la misa."
  2. Translation: More lost than corn in the mass.
  3. Meaning: Refers to someone who is completely lost or confused.

  4. "Ponerle el choclo a algo."

  5. Translation: To put the corn on something.
  6. Meaning: To add a finishing touch to something, similar to adding the key element that makes something complete.

  7. "Es mejor un choclo que nada."

  8. Translation: A corn is better than nothing.
  9. Meaning: It conveys the value of having something rather than nothing; even a small gift is appreciated.


The term "choclo" originates from the Quechua word "choclo," which also means corn or maize. This reflects the Andean regions' agricultural heritage since corn is a staple food in many Andean cultures.


