chocolate - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chocolate (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Usage

The word "chocolate" refers to a sweet food product made from roasted and ground cacao seeds. It can be consumed in various forms, including solid bars, beverages, and desserts. In the Spanish language, "chocolate" is commonly used to describe everything from hot chocolate ("chocolate caliente") to chocolate bars and desserts.

Frequency of Use

"Chocolate" is a frequently used word in both oral and written contexts, particularly in culinary discussions, social gatherings, and festive occasions. Its use expands during holidays, such as Christmas, where chocolate is a popular gift.

Example Sentences

  1. Me encanta beber chocolate caliente en invierno.
  2. I love drinking hot chocolate in winter.

  3. Ella compró una barra de chocolate para el postre.

  4. She bought a chocolate bar for dessert.

  5. El chocolate amargo es mi favorito.

  6. Dark chocolate is my favorite.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chocolate" appears in several idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. Estar en el chocolate.
  2. To be in trouble.
  3. Ejemplo: Se metió en el chocolate por no hacer su tarea.

    • He got himself in trouble for not doing his homework.
  4. No saber ni jota de chocolate.

  5. To not know a thing about something.
  6. Ejemplo: No sabe ni jota de chocolate, pero está intentando hacer un pastel.

    • He doesn’t know a thing about chocolate, but he’s trying to bake a cake.
  7. Chocolate por la noticia.

  8. Used sarcastically when something negative occurs after a positive expectation.
  9. Ejemplo: Me prometieron una promoción, pero solo me dieron más trabajo. Chocolate por la noticia.

    • They promised me a promotion, but they just gave me more work. Just my luck.
  10. A fuego lento como chocolate.

  11. To take things very slowly.
  12. Ejemplo: No te apresures, vamos a cocinar este platillo a fuego lento como chocolate.
    • Don’t rush, let’s cook this dish slowly like chocolate.


The term "chocolate" comes from the Nahuatl word "xocolātl," which refers to a bitter drink made from cacao. The Spanish adopted the term as it spread through Europe, originally used to denote bitter beverages. Over time, the term evolved to represent the sweetened versions we know today.



This comprehensive overview of "chocolate" captures its meanings, uses, and cultural significance, reflecting its beloved status in the Spanish language and beyond.
