chola - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chola (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "chola" can vary in meaning based on regional context. In Argentina, the term is often used colloquially to refer to women who may be seen as unrefined or from a lower socioeconomic background. The term can carry a pejorative connotation, often used to describe someone lacking elegance or sophistication.

The term is commonly used in oral speech rather than in formal written contexts, where it may be considered inappropriate or offensive.

Example Sentences

  1. "No seas chola, vístete mejor para la fiesta."
  2. "Don't be a chola, dress better for the party."

  3. "Esa chica es muy chola, siempre lleva ropa de marcas desconocidas."

  4. "That girl is very chola, she always wears clothes from unknown brands."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chola" is not only a standalone term but can also appear in various idiomatic expressions, especially those reflecting social dynamics and cultural commentary.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Estar de chola"
  2. Meaning: To be in a state of disarray or to look unkempt.
  3. "Llegó de chola a la reunión y no podía dejar de reírse."

    • "She arrived in disarray to the meeting and couldn't stop laughing."
  4. "Chola de corazón"

  5. Meaning: Refers to someone who is genuine and down-to-earth, despite any surface-level shortcomings.
  6. "Es una chola de corazón, siempre ayuda a los que lo necesitan."

    • "She's a genuine person at heart; she always helps those in need."
  7. "Chola, pero con estilo"

  8. Meaning: Emphasizing that someone may have a simplistic background but still possesses style.
  9. "Ella es chola, pero con estilo; sabe cómo lucir bien."
    • "She's chola but with style; she knows how to look good."


The etymology of "chola" can be traced back to the Quechua word "ch'ulla," which means "to mix." The term has historically been used in Latin America to refer to a woman of mixed indigenous and European descent. Over time, its usage has evolved and adapted regional meanings based on cultural contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "chola" is a colloquial term with varying meanings depending on the context and region, notably used in Argentina in a way that reflects social class perceptions. Its versatility allows for inclusion in idiomatic expressions that nuance its meaning further.
