chopito - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chopito (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word chopito primarily refers to a small squid or cuttlefish. It is common in culinary contexts, especially in Spanish coastal regions where seafood is prevalent. The term is frequently used both in oral and written contexts, often appearing in menus or discussions about seafood dishes. It is one of the lesser-known terms outside of Spanish-speaking communities but is considered an important part of Spanish maritime gastronomy.

Example Sentences

  1. En el restaurante, pedimos chopitos a la plancha como aperitivo.
  2. In the restaurant, we ordered grilled chopitos as an appetizer.

  3. Los chopitos son excelentes para preparar una paella de mariscos.

  4. The small squids are excellent for making a seafood paella.

  5. En la playa, se pueden encontrar chopitos frescos en los mercados locales.

  6. At the beach, you can find fresh chopitos in the local markets.

Idiomatic Expressions

While chopito itself is not a frequent component of idiomatic expressions, it is often associated with local culinary phrases or seafood-related sayings:

  1. Dar en el chopito - Usado en algunos lugares para referirse a acertar en algo de manera inesperada.
  2. El niño dio en el chopito al sacar el primer premio en el concurso.
  3. (The boy hit the jackpot when he won the first prize in the contest.)

  4. Como chopito en el mar - Expresión que se usa para describir algo que se siente a gusto o cómodo en su entorno.

  5. Después de unas semanas en la playa, me siento como chopito en el mar.
  6. (After a few weeks at the beach, I feel like a small squid in the sea.)

  7. Sabe a chopito - Frase que puede describir el sabor auténtico de un plato de mariscos.

  8. Este guiso sabe a chopito fresco, como en la costa.
  9. (This stew tastes like fresh squid, like on the coast.)


The term chopito is derived from the Spanish word chopo, meaning poplar tree, likely due to its small and delicate nature that resembles the shape of a young plant. The diminutive suffix “-ito” indicates its small size, essentially meaning "little squid."

Synonyms and Antonyms

These synonyms and antonyms vary somewhat based on regional usage and culinary contexts.
