chorrada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chorrada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Chorrada is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, chorrada refers to a trivial or insignificant thing, often used to describe something that is foolish, silly, or nonsensical. It is commonly used in conversational language and is characterized by a colloquial tone. The word can convey either playful teasing or mild condemnation, depending on the context. Its usage is more frequent in oral speech than in written contexts, as it reflects informal and everyday language.

Example Sentences

  1. No digas chorradas, por favor.
    Please don’t say nonsense.

  2. Esa película es una chorrada total.
    That movie is total nonsense.

  3. Lo que dijo fue una auténtica chorrada.
    What he said was absolute nonsense.

Idiomatic Expressions

While chorrada itself is not typically part of fixed idiomatic expressions, it is commonly found in colloquial phrases that convey dismissiveness or criticism of something trivial or foolish.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Hacer una chorrada.
    To do something foolish.
    Ella siempre hace chorradas cuando está con sus amigos.
    (She always does foolish things when she’s with her friends.)

  2. Decir chorradas.
    To say silly things.
    A menudo dice chorradas en clase y todos se ríen.
    (He often says silly things in class, and everyone laughs.)

  3. No me vengas con chorradas.
    Don't come to me with nonsense.
    No me vengas con chorradas; hay que hablar en serio.
    (Don't come to me with nonsense; we need to talk seriously.)

  4. Chorradas y tonterías.
    Nonsense and foolishness.
    Dejemos las chorradas y tonterías, por favor.
    (Let’s leave the nonsense and foolishness behind, please.)


The term chorrada is derived from the Spanish word chorro, which means a jet or stream, reflecting the idea of trivial or nonsensical talk flowing freely. The addition of the suffix -ada denotes the result of an action or a collective state, hence it emphasizes something that is full of silliness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tontería (foolishness) - Gilipollez (stupidity - informal)

Antonyms: - Sensatez (sensitivity, sense) - Seriedad (seriousness)

This information should provide a comprehensive understanding of the term chorrada in various contexts within the Spanish language.
