chorro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chorro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Chorro" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Stream
  2. Jet
  3. Spurt
  4. Gush

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "chorro" primarily refers to a large, fast stream of liquid or a jet of fluid, often used to describe water coming from a tap or hose. It can also denote a burst of something, like a spurt of energy or a sudden feeling. The word is fairly common in both oral and written contexts but may be more frequently encountered in spoken Spanish due to its casual usage.

Example Sentences

  1. El chorro de agua del grifo estaba muy fuerte.
    The stream of water from the faucet was very strong.

  2. El chorro de luz del faro iluminó toda la costa.
    The beam from the lighthouse illuminated the entire coast.

  3. Después de correr, su chorro de energía fue impresionante.
    After running, his spurt of energy was impressive.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chorro" is also used in various idiomatic expressions within the Spanish-speaking community. Here are some examples:

  1. Darse un chorro
    To make a show or display.
    Se dio un chorro en la fiesta para impresionar a todos.
    He put on a show at the party to impress everyone.

  2. No hay chorro que no se detenga
    There’s no stream that cannot be stopped; nothing lasts forever.
    No hay chorro que no se detenga, así que hay que disfrutar el momento.
    There’s no stream that cannot be stopped, so we must enjoy the moment.

  3. Chorro de belleza
    A burst of beauty; often refers to someone strikingly attractive.
    Esa actriz es un chorro de belleza en la pantalla.
    That actress is a burst of beauty on screen.

  4. Correr como un chorro
    To run fast like a jet or stream.
    Los niños corrieron como un chorro por el parque.
    The children ran like a jet through the park.

  5. Echar un chorro
    To spill or pour rapidly.
    Echó un chorro de aceite en la sartén.
    He poured a stream of oil into the pan.


The word "chorro" comes from the Latin "currere," which means "to run." Over time, it has evolved in various Romance languages to describe a flow or stream of liquid. The term captures the sense of movement associated with liquids.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Flujo (flow) - Chorro de agua (water jet) - Gota (drop)

Antonyms: - Estancamiento (stagnation) - Quietud (stillness) - Paro (stop)
