chubasquero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chubasquero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "chubasquero" refers to a waterproof jacket primarily used during rainy weather. It is designed to keep the wearer dry and is often made from synthetic materials that repel water. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts in Spanish, particularly in regions with frequent rain.

Frequency of Use

"Chubasquero" is relatively common in everyday conversation and written descriptions in contexts where rain protection is discussed, such as weather forecasts, fashion, and outdoor activities.

Example Sentences

  1. "No olvides llevar el chubasquero, porque hoy va a llover."
    (Don't forget to bring the raincoat because it's going to rain today.)

  2. "El chubasquero es fundamental para disfrutar de un día de campo sin mojarse."
    (The raincoat is essential to enjoy a picnic day without getting wet.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chubasquero" itself is not frequently featured in idiomatic expressions, it is commonly used in sentences related to rain and weather.

Example Idiomatic Usage

  1. "Agarra tu chubasquero por si acaso; nunca se sabe cuándo puede llover."
    (Grab your raincoat just in case; you never know when it might rain.)

  2. "Salí sin chubasquero y ahora estoy empapado."
    (I went out without a raincoat and now I am soaked.)

  3. "Siempre tengo un chubasquero en el coche, por si las moscas."
    (I always keep a raincoat in the car, just in case.)


The word "chubasquero" derives from the Spanish word "chubasco," which refers to a sudden rainstorm or downpour, combined with the suffix "-ero," which indicates something related to a specific noun. Thus, it literally means "something related to rain."

Synonyms and Antonyms



This format captures the essence of "chubasquero" across various dimensions, providing a thorough understanding of its significance in both general and nautical discussions in the Spanish-speaking context.
