chuche - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chuche (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "chuche" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Sweet
  2. Candy
  3. Treat

Meaning and Usage

The term "chuche" is a colloquial and informal word predominantly used in Spain and parts of Latin America to refer to sweets, candies, or small treats, often in the context of snacks or desserts. It carries a connotation of something tasty or delightful, often enjoyed by children.

"Chuche" is commonly used in oral speech and has a lower frequency in written contexts, primarily appearing in casual conversations, among friends, or in regional advertisements targeting children.

Example Sentences

  1. Me encanta comer chuche después de la cena.
  2. I love to eat sweets after dinner.

  3. Los niños siempre piden chuche en las fiestas.

  4. The kids always ask for candy at the parties.

  5. No olvides comprar chuche para el cine.

  6. Don't forget to buy treats for the movies.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chuche" may not be a part of many established idiomatic expressions, when combined with other words, it can be used in various contexts that reflect enjoyment or indulgence.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar como un chuches
  2. "Ella está como un chuches después de comer toda esa tarta."
  3. "She is like a sweet after eating all that cake."

  4. Dar chuche

  5. "Siempre le doy chuche a mis amigos cuando vienen a mi casa."
  6. "I always give treats to my friends when they come to my house."

  7. Hacer chuche

  8. "Hoy vamos a hacer chuche para la fiesta del sábado."
  9. "Today we are going to make sweets for Saturday's party."


The origin of "chuche" is somewhat uncertain, but it is believed to derive from the term "chuchería," which itself comes from the Spanish verb "chuchar," meaning "to suck." This connection reflects the act of enjoying something sweet or tasty, often through sucking on candies.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: 1. Golosina (sweet or candy) 2. Dulce (sweet)

Antonyms: 1. Salado (salty) 2. Amargo (bitter)

Overall, "chuche" is a term rich with cultural connotations, often embodying joy and indulgence in the context of sweets and treats.
