chulada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chulada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Chulada" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Chulada" is a colloquial term primarily used in Mexican Spanish. It refers to something that is exceedingly beautiful, delightful, or cute. The word conveys a sense of admiration or pleasure about an object, person, or situation. Its usage is casual and often found in oral speech more than in formal written contexts. It is a term of endearment that expresses appreciation or affection.

Frequency of Use

"Chulada" is commonly used in everyday conversation, especially among friends and family, adding a playful tone when commenting on something appealing.

Example Sentences

  1. La playa hoy es una chulada.
  2. The beach today is a gorgeous thing.

  3. Esa casa es una chulada, me encanta.

  4. That house is a delightful thing; I love it.

  5. Tus dibujos son una chulada, tienes un gran talento.

  6. Your drawings are wonderful; you have great talent.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Chulada" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting the admiration for beauty or delight in different contexts. Here are a few examples:

  1. ¡Qué chulada de día!
  2. What a wonderful day!

  3. Ella siempre trae chuladas en su bolsa.

  4. She always brings delightful things in her bag.

  5. Ese perro es una chulada, parece un peluche.

  6. That dog is cute; it looks like a stuffed animal.

  7. Me sorprendió la chulada de este postre.

  8. I was surprised by the delightfulness of this dessert.

  9. ¡Eso fue una chulada de regalo!

  10. That was a gorgeous gift!


The term "chulada" is derived from "chulo," which in some Spanish dialects means "cute" or "handsome." The suffix "-ada" is commonly used in Spanish to denote a feminine noun or to intensify the meaning, suggesting a state or quality—hence, "chulada" signifies something that possesses a high degree of cuteness or beauty.



This detailed overview of "chulada" reflects its cultural significance, usage, and expressions within the Spanish language, especially in informal and colloquial contexts.
