chullo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chullo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

A "chullo" is a traditional Andean hat that is typically made of wool, often featuring colorful patterns and ear flaps. It is commonly associated with the high-altitude regions of Peru and Ecuador. The word is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions relating to Andean culture, traditional clothing, and handicrafts.

Example Sentences

  1. Me compré un chullo en el mercado artesanal de Cusco.
  2. I bought a chullo in the artisan market of Cusco.

  3. Durante el invierno, es muy común ver a la gente usando chullos.

  4. During winter, it is very common to see people wearing chullos.

  5. El chullo es una prenda fundamental en la vestimenta de los habitantes andinos.

  6. The chullo is a fundamental piece of clothing for the inhabitants of the Andes.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "chullo" itself may not be frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it reflects the rich cultural heritage of the Andean regions. Here are some related idiomatic expressions that mention traditional clothing or cultural aspects connected to "chullo":

  1. "Ver el chullo de la llama" - This expression could mean to appreciate the richness of culture and tradition.
  2. Seeing the chullo of the llama can mean understanding indigenous craftsmanship.

  3. "Con chullo y poncho, el mendigo viaja por su destino."

  4. With chullo and poncho, the beggar travels to his destiny.

  5. "No hay mejor abrigo que un chullo tejido a mano."

  6. There is no better warmth than a hand-knitted chullo.


The term "chullo" originates from the Quechua word "ch'ulla," which means a type of hat or head covering. The influence of indigenous languages and cultures is evident in the word, reflecting the deep-rooted traditions of Andean communities in Peru and Ecuador.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Gorra (cap) - Sombrero (hat) - though sombrero generally refers to a wider-brimmed hat

Antonyms: - Desabrigado (unclad, without covering) - Desprotegido (unprotected)

This comprehensive breakdown offers insights into the cultural significance and characteristics of "chullo," along with its wider implications in the context of Andean heritage.
