chupada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chupada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word chupada is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription for chupada is /tʃuˈpaða/.

Translation Options into English

The word chupada can be translated into English as: 1. Sucking (a noun form) 2. A slurp (informal context)

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, chupada refers to the action of sucking or slurping something. It is derived from the verb chupar, which means "to suck." The frequency of use is relatively common in both oral and written contexts, though it is notably used more in informal settings or colloquial conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella hizo una chupada de su bebida y sorbió la última gota.
    She took a slurp of her drink and gulped down the last drop.

  2. La chupada de un caramelo puede ser muy relajante.
    The sucking of a candy can be very relaxing.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word chupada is often found in colloquial expressions, indicating actions or feelings associated with the act of sucking. Here are some idiomatic expressions involving the word:

  1. Esa chupada de aire me refrescó.
    (That gulp of air refreshed me.)

  2. No necesitaba tanta chupada de la botella; solo un sorbo.
    (I didn't need that much slurp from the bottle; just a sip.)

  3. Después de esa chupada, estaba lleno de energía.
    (After that slurp, I was full of energy.)

  4. Una buena chupada de café caliente siempre anima el día.
    (A good gulp of hot coffee always brightens the day.)

  5. La chupada de los refrescos en una fiesta nunca falta.
    (The slurping of sodas at a party is always present.)


The word chupada comes from the verb chupar, which has Latin origins from "sūmpĕre," meaning "to take" or "to drink." The transformation into the noun form reflects the action involved.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sorbo (sip) - Aspiro (inhaling)

Antonyms: - Expulsar (to expel) - Desechar (to discard)

By understanding chupada in this context, we can appreciate its role in everyday Spanish language and cultural nuances.
