churrasco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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churrasco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Churrasco" refers to a specific dish or cut of grilled meat, particularly beef, which is popular in many Latin American countries, including those around the Río de la Plata region such as Argentina and Uruguay. The term can vary in meaning and preparation style between countries, but it often denotes a method of cooking meat over an open flame or grill. It is commonly found in both oral and written contexts, but is more frequently used in informal, spoken conversations, especially when discussing grilling, barbecues, or traditional asados (barbecues) with family and friends.

Example Sentences

  1. "Vamos a hacer un churrasco en la parrilla este fin de semana."
  2. "We're going to grill a churrasco on the barbecue this weekend."

  3. "El churrasco de carne es uno de los platos más típicos de Argentina."

  4. "Beef churrasco is one of the most typical dishes in Argentina."

  5. "Me encanta acompañar el churrasco con una buena ensalada."

  6. "I love to accompany the churrasco with a good salad."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Churrasco" is often featured in expressions relating to grilling, food culture, or social cooking events. Here are some idiomatic expressions that include the word:

  1. "Hacer un churrasco"
  2. Literal: "To make a churrasco"
  3. Meaning: To hold a barbecue or grill meat, often implying a social gathering.
  4. Example: “El domingo vamos a hacer un churrasco en casa.”

    • "On Sunday, we're going to have a barbecue at home."
  5. "Churrasco y vino"

  6. Literal: "Churrasco and wine"
  7. Meaning: Used to denote a hearty meal, often associated with festivity.
  8. Example: “Nada se compara a un buen churrasco y vino en una noche especial.”

    • "Nothing compares to a good churrasco and wine on a special night."
  9. "Estar a la altura del churrasco"

  10. Literal: "To be at the height of the churrasco"
  11. Meaning: To meet expectations or standards, often in contexts of cooking or hospitality.
  12. Example: “El servicio de este restaurante siempre está a la altura del churrasco.”
    • "The service at this restaurant is always up to the standards of the churrasco."


The word "churrasco" is believed to have originated from the Spanish verb "churrascar," which means "to grill" or "to scorch." Its roots can be traced back to Portuguese and Galician influences, particularly due to historical culinary practices in Iberian countries. The term has adapted in different regions, becoming synonymous with specific styles of grilling in Latin America.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Asado - Parrilla

Antonyms: - Cocido (boiled) - Guisado (stewed)

In summary, "churrasco" is a culturally significant word in the context of cuisine in the Río de la Plata region, encapsulating not just a dish but a social and culinary tradition that brings people together.
