churrete - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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churrete (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "churrete" is a colloquial Spanish word that refers to an irregular stain, smudge, or splotch, often of a dark or dirty nature. It is commonly used to describe marks left by dirt, ink, or other substances on surfaces, such as fabric or paper. "Churrete" is frequently found in oral speech compared to written contexts, though it may appear in informal writings as well.

Example Sentences

  1. No puedo quitar el churrete de la camisa.
    I can't get the smudge out of the shirt.

  2. Había un churrete de tinta en la hoja.
    There was an ink stain on the page.

  3. Después de comer, su cara tenía varios churretes de salsa.
    After eating, his face had several stains from the sauce.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "churrete" itself may not be widely used in idiomatic expressions, it does contribute to a few informal phrases or sayings, especially in more casual conversational contexts.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. "El niño siempre vuelve a casa con la ropa llena de churretes."
    The boy always comes home with his clothes covered in stains.

  2. "Ten cuidado, no quiero que dejes churretes en el sofá."
    Be careful, I don't want you to leave smudges on the couch.

  3. "Tras la fiesta, el suelo estaba cubierto de churretes."
    After the party, the floor was covered in splotches.


The word "churrete" derives from the verb "churrear," which means to smear or to leave a mark. Its etymological roots are colloquial, reflecting a more informal and everyday usage.

Synonyms and Antonyms


