chusco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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chusco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective and noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Context

The word "chusco" has different meanings depending on the region, particularly in Peru and El Salvador. In Peru, "chusco" often refers to something dry or stale, commonly related to bread or food items. In a colloquial context in Central America, particularly El Salvador, it describes a person who is funny or silly.

The word is used fairly commonly in both oral and written contexts, but due to its colloquial nature, it often appears more in spoken language and informal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. El pan estaba chusco y no lo pude comer.
    The bread was stale, and I couldn't eat it.

  2. No le hagas caso, es bastante chusco a veces.
    Don't pay attention to him; he's quite silly sometimes.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "chusco" can be part of various idiomatic expressions in colloquial Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. Estar chusco
    To be in a silly or joking mood.
    Él siempre está chusco en las fiestas.
    He is always silly at parties.

  2. Un chusco de pan
    A piece of stale bread.
    Solo quedó un chusco de pan en la mesa.
    Only a piece of stale bread was left on the table.

  3. Hacer chusco de alguien
    To make fun of someone in a light-hearted way.
    No deberías hacer chusco de ella; es muy sensible.
    You shouldn't make fun of her; she's very sensitive.

  4. Pasar un rato chusco
    To have a silly or fun time.
    Ayer pasamos un rato chusco en casa de mis amigos.
    Yesterday we had a fun time at my friends' house.


The word "chusco" likely originates from the Spanish word "chusco," which may have roots in the Latin "causica," meaning "dry" or "stale." Over time, the term evolved to represent not only the condition of food but also the personality traits of silliness or humor.

Synonyms and Antonyms


