ciclismo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ciclismo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Sustantivo (noun)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Ciclismo refers to the sport or activity of riding a bicycle, whether for leisure, exercise, or competitive events. It encompasses a variety of cycling disciplines such as road cycling, mountain biking, BMX, and track cycling. The term is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, with a slight tendency towards sports discussions in written materials such as magazines, books, and articles.

Example Sentences

  1. El ciclismo es una excelente manera de mantenerse en forma.
    (Cycling is an excellent way to stay fit.)

  2. Durante las vacaciones, practiqué ciclismo en las montañas.
    (During the holidays, I practiced cycling in the mountains.)

  3. El ciclismo de ruta es muy popular en Europa.
    (Road cycling is very popular in Europe.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Ciclismo is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions in a figurative sense as some other words are; however, it plays a significant role in specific phrases related to cycling culture. Below are some contextual uses:

  1. "Estar en ritmo de ciclismo"
    (To be in the rhythm of cycling)
  2. Sentence: Después de varias semanas montando la bicicleta, finalmente estoy en ritmo de ciclismo.
    (After several weeks of riding the bike, I'm finally in the rhythm of cycling.)

  3. "Ciclismo extremo"
    (Extreme cycling)

  4. Sentence: El ciclismo extremo requiere habilidades y precauciones especiales.
    (Extreme cycling requires special skills and precautions.)

  5. "Ciclismo urbano"
    (Urban cycling)

  6. Sentence: El ciclismo urbano se ha vuelto muy popular en las grandes ciudades.
    (Urban cycling has become very popular in large cities.)


The word ciclismo originates from the root ciclo, which comes from the griego "kyklos," meaning wheel. The suffix -ismo indicates a practice or discipline. The term started being used in the late 19th century as cycling grew in popularity as a recreational and competitive activity.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Sinónimos (Synonyms): - Bicicletas (bicycles) - Montar en bicicleta (to ride a bike)

Antónimos (Antonyms): - Inmovilidad (immobility) - Sedentarismo (sedentary lifestyle)

With this comprehensive analysis of ciclismo, one can understand its relevance in both general use and specific contexts related to cycling culture.
