cierre - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cierre (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cierre" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Cierre" refers to the act of closing or shutting something, often used in various contexts including businesses (e.g., closing a store), events (e.g., conclusion of a meeting), and legal matters (e.g., closure of a case). It can denote both a physical closing and a figurative ending. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in business, legal, and economic discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. El cierre de la tienda se programó para el próximo mes.
  2. The closure of the store is scheduled for next month.

  3. Durante el cierre de la reunión, se tomó una decisión importante.

  4. During the closing of the meeting, an important decision was made.

  5. El cierre de la investigación fue anunciado por el juez.

  6. The closure of the investigation was announced by the judge.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cierre" may not be prevalent in many idiomatic expressions, it does appear in several contexts relating to closure or endings. Here are some expressions that feature "cierre":

  1. Cerrar el círculo
  2. Significa completar un ciclo o una etapa.
  3. "Después de años de trabajo, decidí cerrar el círculo y seguir adelante."
  4. "After years of work, I decided to close the circle and move on."

  5. Cierre de fronteras

  6. Se refiere al acto de cerrar las fronteras de un país, a menudo en contextos de control migratorio.
  7. "El cierre de fronteras fue necesario para garantizar la seguridad nacional."
  8. "The closure of borders was necessary to ensure national security."

  9. Cierre financiero

  10. Significa una conclusión o auditoría financiera al final de un período.
  11. "El cierre financiero del trimestre se verá afectado por la crisis económica."
  12. "The financial closing of the quarter will be affected by the economic crisis."


The word "cierre" comes from the Latin "clausura," which means a closing or shutting. It is related to the verb "cerrar," which means "to close."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - clausura - terminación - conclusión

Antonyms: - apertura (opening) - comienzo (beginning) - inicio (start)

This comprehensive overview gives a detailed insight into the word "cierre," covering its meaning, usage, related idiomatic expressions, etymology, and synonyms and antonyms.
