cierto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cierto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cierto is an adjective and can also function as a pronoun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cierto" is used to express certainty or truth. It can refer to statements, situations, or objects that are definite or indisputable. The word can be used in both oral speech and written contexts, but it is more frequently found in written language, particularly in formal settings.

Example Sentences

  1. El examen tiene preguntas ciertas.
    The exam has certain questions.

  2. Es cierto que llegaré a tiempo.
    It is true that I will arrive on time.

  3. Dijo algo cierto sobre la situación.
    He said something true about the situation.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Cierto" appears in several idiomatic expressions in the Spanish language. Here are a few:

  1. Poder afirmar con certeza que...
    To be able to affirm with certainty that...
    Example: Puedo afirmar con certeza que es cierto que ganamos el partido.
    (I can affirm with certainty that it is true we won the match.)

  2. En cierto modo
    In a certain way
    Example: En cierto modo, todos estamos de acuerdo en esto.
    (In a certain way, we all agree on this.)

  3. Es cierto que...
    It is true that...
    Example: Es cierto que la nieve cubre todo en invierno.
    (It is true that snow covers everything in winter.)

  4. Hasta cierto punto
    To a certain extent
    Example: Hasta cierto punto, entiendo por qué lo hizo.
    (To a certain extent, I understand why he did it.)

  5. Dar en el clavo cierto
    To hit the nail on the head
    Example: Con su respuesta, dio en el clavo cierto sobre el problema.
    (With his answer, he hit the nail on the head regarding the problem.)


The word "cierto" originates from the Latin word "certus," which means "sure" or "certain." The evolution of the term in the Spanish language has maintained the core meaning related to certainty.


