cierzo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cierzo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cierzo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈθjerθo/ (in Spain) or /ˈsjɛrso/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word cierzo refers to a specific wind that blows from the north, particularly in certain regions of Spain such as Aragón. It is often associated with cooler temperatures and can be a strong, persistent wind. The term is not used as frequently in casual conversation compared to written texts, particularly meteorological reports or literary contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El cierzo sopló toda la noche, enfriando el ambiente rápidamente.
    The north wind blew all night, quickly cooling the atmosphere.

  2. A veces, el cierzo puede traer lluvias después de días soleados.
    Sometimes, the north wind can bring rain after sunny days.

  3. En primavera, el cierzo es un fenómeno común en esta región.
    In spring, the north wind is a common phenomenon in this region.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "Cierzo"

Cierzo is less commonly used in idiomatic expressions compared to other words, but it can still be found in some phrases related to weather or metaphorical uses.

  1. Con el cierzo no hay quien se quede en la calle.
    With the north wind, no one can stay outside.

  2. Cuando suena el cierzo, hay que estar preparado para el cambio.
    When the north wind blows, one must be prepared for change.

  3. Al igual que el cierzo, algunas sorpresas llegan de repente.
    Just like the north wind, some surprises come suddenly.

  4. El cierzo trae consigo el frío, pero también la claridad.
    The north wind brings cold, but also clarity.


The word cierzo comes from the Latin term "circius," which means "stormy wind" or "north wind." This Latin root has historical significance in describing weather patterns in ancient times.

Synonyms and Antonyms


Cierzo is a specific term related to meteorology, particularly used in the context of winds in Spanish-speaking regions. Its use tends towards written contexts rather than casual conversation, and it has idiomatic implications that reflect local weather phenomena.
