cifrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

cifrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈθifɾar/ (in Spain) or /ˈsifɾar/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options

Meaning and Usage

The verb "cifrar" primarily means to convert information into a cipher or code, making it unreadable without a key or specific method for decryption. It is often used in the context of computer security and data protection but can also refer to calculating numerical values or estimations in other contexts. The term is frequently used in both oral and written forms, particularly in discussions related to information technology, security, and mathematics.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante cifrar los datos personales para proteger la privacidad de los usuarios.
  2. It is important to encrypt personal data to protect user privacy.

  3. El nuevo software puede cifrar archivos y garantizar su seguridad en la nube.

  4. The new software can encrypt files and ensure their security in the cloud.

  5. Para mejorar la comunicación, decidimos cifrar nuestros mensajes.

  6. To improve communication, we decided to encode our messages.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cifrar" is less frequently incorporated into idiomatic expressions but integral to discussions about encryption and the importance of security. Here are some related expressions and their meanings:

  1. Cifrar un mensaje (To encrypt a message)
  2. Antes de enviar la información sensible, debemos cifrar un mensaje.
  3. Before sending sensitive information, we must encrypt a message.

  4. Cifrar la confianza (To calculate trust)

  5. En un equipo, hay que cifrar la confianza entre los miembros para que funcione bien.
  6. In a team, trust amongst members must be calculated for it to work well.

  7. Cifrar los costos (To calculate costs)

  8. Es esencial cifrar los costos del proyecto antes de presentarlo al cliente.
  9. It is essential to calculate the project costs before presenting it to the client.


The word "cifrar" derives from the Spanish noun "cifra," which comes from the Arabic "صفر‎" (ṣifr), meaning "zero." The term historically relates to numeric or coded systems and has evolved into its modern senses related to encryption and calculation.



This comprehensive overview of "cifrar" encompasses its meanings, uses, and related linguistic aspects in Spanish language contexts.
