cigarrillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cigarrillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cigarrillo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "cigarrillo" refers to a small cigar or cigarette, often used in informal conversation to describe a thin cigar. In the Spanish language, it can convey a sense of something that is not just any cigar, but one that is particularly slender or small. The frequency of use tends to be moderate; it is more commonly used in daily oral speech than in formal written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. No puedo creer que me hayas fumado un cigarrillo en la fiesta.
    (I can't believe you smoked a cigarette at the party.)

  2. Siempre llevo un cigarrillo en mi bolsillo para momentos de estrés.
    (I always carry a cigarette in my pocket for moments of stress.)

  3. Una tarde de verano, me senté en el banco con un cigarrillo.
    (One summer afternoon, I sat on the bench with a cigarette.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cigarrillo" often appears in idiomatic expressions related to smoking and leisure activities. Here are a few examples:

  1. Tirar un cigarrillo
    (To throw away a cigarette)
  2. Es momento de tirar ese cigarrillo y empezar a vivir más sano.
    (It's time to throw away that cigarette and start living healthier.)

  3. Encender un cigarrillo
    (To light a cigarette)

  4. A veces, encender un cigarrillo es mi manera de relajarme después de un largo día.
    (Sometimes, lighting a cigarette is my way of relaxing after a long day.)

  5. Fumar un cigarrillo tras otro
    (To smoke cigarette after cigarette)

  6. Ella se quedó sentada, fumando un cigarrillo tras otro, mientras pensaba.
    (She sat there, smoking cigarette after cigarette as she thought.)


The term "cigarrillo" derives from the Spanish word "cigarro," which means "cigar." The suffix "-illo" indicates a diminutive form, meaning "small," hence "small cigar."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cigarrillo delgado (thin cigarette) - Pitillo (slang for cigarette)

Antonyms: - Cigarro (cigar) - Pipa (pipe)
