cilla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cilla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cilla is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word cilla can be translated as "threshing floor" or "granary" in English. It may also refer to a kind of storage structure for grain or provisions.

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, cilla refers to an archaic term primarily used to describe a space or area where grain is threshed or stored. It carries connotations of rural life and agricultural practices, and you will typically find this term in historical or literary contexts rather than in contemporary spoken language. Its frequency of use is low in modern Spanish, making it more prevalent in written texts, such as classic literature or historical documentation.

Example Sentences

  1. En la cilla del pueblo, los campesinos trabajaban arduamente durante la cosecha.
    In the village's threshing floor, the farmers worked hard during the harvest.

  2. Ellos guardaban el trigo en la cilla para asegurar que no se perdiera.
    They stored the wheat in the granary to ensure that it would not be lost.

  3. La cilla estaba llena de alimentos para el invierno, protegiendo a la familia de las inclemencias del tiempo.
    The granary was full of food for the winter, protecting the family from the harsh weather.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term cilla does not commonly appear in idiomatic expressions, especially in modern speech due to its archaic nature. However, one might come across historical or literary phrases related to rural life. Here are a few illustrative examples:

  1. "Guardar en la cilla" se refería a mantener reservas de comida para tiempos difíciles.
    "To keep in the granary" referred to maintaining reserves of food for hard times.

  2. "Venir de la cilla" en el pasado era una forma de decir que alguien venía del trabajo en el campo.
    "To come from the threshing floor" in the past was a way to say that someone was coming from work in the fields.

  3. "La cilla no es solo un lugar de trabajo, sino también un refugio en tiempos de cosecha."
    "The threshing floor is not just a place of work, but also a refuge during harvest times."


The word cilla has Latin origins, derived from the word sicula, which referred to a small granary or storage place. Over time, it evolved in Spanish, retaining its association with agricultural storage while fading from everyday usage.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Alfoz (in some regions, though less common) - Granero (granary)

Antonyms: - Desván (attic, storage loft) - Abandonamiento (abandonment, as a general concept of lack of storage)

In summary, cilla is an archaic term mostly used in written contexts today, linked to agricultural practices.
