cimborrio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cimborrio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term cimborrio in Spanish refers to a prominent architectural feature typically found in churches and large buildings. It describes a cylindrical or polygonal structure that rises above the roofline, often serving to house a lantern that provides light to the interior space.

In architectural contexts, cimborrio is most commonly used to refer to the light source openings usually mounted under a dome. It is typically used in written contexts, such as architectural discussions, textbooks, and articles, but can occasionally appear in oral descriptions, especially among professionals in architecture and history.

Example Sentences

  1. El cimborrio de la catedral era impresionante, iluminando el altar con luz natural.
  2. The lantern of the cathedral was impressive, illuminating the altar with natural light.

  3. Muchos cimborríos tienen decoraciones elaboradas que reflejan el estilo arquitectónico de su época.

  4. Many lanterns have elaborate decorations that reflect the architectural style of their time.

  5. La restauración del cimborrio se completó, devolviendo la gloria de su diseño original.

  6. The restoration of the lantern was completed, returning the glory of its original design.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word cimborrio is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions. However, in the context of architecture and historical discussions, it may sometimes metaphorically represent enlightenment or the act of illuminating a topic, especially in more poetic or rhetorical usage.

  1. "Encontrar el cimborrio en el laberinto de la investigación fue un alivio."
  2. "Finding the lantern in the maze of research was a relief."

  3. "El cimborrio de sus pensamientos brilló con claridad durante la reunión."

  4. "The lantern of his thoughts shone clearly during the meeting."

  5. "Al final del túnel había un cimborrio que iluminaba el camino hacia el futuro."

  6. "At the end of the tunnel, there was a lantern that illuminated the path to the future."


The word cimborrio derives from the Latin cymbŭrium, which means "a rounded cover" or "dome." This reflects its architectural connotation of a dome or raised structure.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Linterna (lantern) - Cúpula (dome)

Antonyms: There are no direct antonyms for cimborrio in the architectural sense, as it is a specific term related to structural features. However, one might mention terms like "vacío" (emptiness) in a metaphorical sense when discussing lack of light or illumination.
