cinc - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cinc (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cinc" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cinc" in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is [siŋk].

Translation Options into English

The word "cinc" translates to "zinc" in English.

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cinc" refers to the chemical element zinc, which has the atomic number 30. It is commonly used in various fields, including medicine (in the context of supplements and treatments), chemistry (as an element), and industry (in galvanization and alloys). The word is not particularly common in everyday conversation among the general population but is frequently used in scientific, medical, and industrial contexts. It is more often encountered in written texts, such as research papers, textbooks, or technical documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El cinc es un mineral esencial para el organismo.
  2. (Zinc is an essential mineral for the body.)

  3. En la química, el cinc se utiliza para galvanizar el acero.

  4. (In chemistry, zinc is used to galvanize steel.)

  5. Los suplementos de cinc pueden ayudar a mejorar el sistema inmunológico.

  6. (Zinc supplements can help improve the immune system.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "cinc" is not typically featured in idiomatic expressions, zinc does appear as part of certain phrases in specific contexts, primarily related to health and industry.

  1. Dejar algo en el cinc.
  2. (To leave something in the zinc.) - A colloquial way of saying that something is left unfinished or neglected.

  3. No hay cinc que aguante.

  4. (There is no zinc that can withstand it.) - Used to indicate that nothing is invulnerable or immune to a particular problem or issue.

  5. Meterle el cinc a algo.

  6. (To put zinc on something.) - To reinforce or protect something.

  7. Cinc para el frío.

  8. (Zinc for the cold.) - Refers to using zinc (or zinc-rich foods) to boost health during cold seasons.


The word "cinc" comes from the Latin "zincum," which likely has roots in Arabic, possibly deriving from "al-zinc." The name reflects the historical context of zinc's application and discovery.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Zinc (in English, as it is often adopted into various languages) - None in Spanish as it specifically refers to the element.

Antonyms: - No direct antonyms exist as "cinc" is a specific chemical element, but one could refer to elements that are not metals, such as "no metálico" (non-metal).

Note: While "cinc" itself doesn’t have a robust presence in idiomatic language, its applications are vital in scientific and practical discussions in Spanish-speaking countries.
