cinco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cinco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Cinco" is the Spanish word for the numeral 5. It is widely used in both oral and written contexts to indicate the quantity of five items or units. Its frequency of use is quite high given that it represents a basic number within counting, and numbers are frequently used in everyday conversation, as well as in written forms such as documents, books, and signs.

Example Sentences

  1. Tenemos cinco manzanas en la mesa.
  2. We have five apples on the table.

  3. Ella cumplirá cinco años mañana.

  4. She will turn five years old tomorrow.

  5. Hay cinco personas en la sala.

  6. There are five people in the room.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Cinco" is an important part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish-speaking cultures. While not as extensively idiomatic as some other numbers, it does appear in a couple of established expressions.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Cinco estrellas - Refers to something of very high quality, often used in the context of hotels or restaurants.
  2. Este hotel tiene cinco estrellas.
  3. This hotel has five stars.

  4. Damos cinco - A phrase used in some colloquial contexts, especially among children, meaning to give "high five".

  5. Después de jugar, nos dimos cinco.
  6. After playing, we gave each other a high five.

  7. Contar hasta cinco - To count to five, often used to indicate a brief wait.

  8. Solo cuenta hasta cinco y relájate.
  9. Just count to five and relax.

  10. Cinco minutos más - A common phrase meaning "five more minutes," often used to seek a little extra time.

  11. ¡Cinco minutos más, por favor!
  12. Five more minutes, please!


The word "cinco" comes from the Latin word "quinque", which also means five. The transformation from Latin to Spanish involved phonetic changes and simplifications common in the evolution of Romance languages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Quinteto (not commonly used, more in specific contexts like music) - 5 (numerical representation)

Antonyms: - Uno (one) - Cuatro (four)

This comprehensive overview of "cinco" provides insights into its use and significance within the Spanish language.
