cine - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cine (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Cinema
  2. Film
  3. Movies

Meaning and Usage

The word "cine" refers to the film industry, cinema, or movies in general. It is widely used in both spoken and written Spanish, but it tends to appear more frequently in conversational contexts due to its colloquial nature.

Example Sentences

  1. Vamos al cine esta noche.
  2. "We're going to the movies tonight."
  3. El cine español ha ganado varios premios internacionales.
  4. "Spanish cinema has won several international awards."
  5. Me encanta ver películas en el cine.
  6. "I love watching films at the cinema."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cine" appears in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, reflecting its cultural significance.

  1. Cine de autor
  2. Refers to "author cinema" or films with a strong personal vision from the director.
  3. "El cine de autor suele ser más innovador."
  4. "Author cinema is usually more innovative."

  5. Cine mudo

  6. This means "silent film" and refers to movies with no synchronized recorded sound.
  7. "El cine mudo fue muy popular en sus inicios."
  8. "Silent film was very popular in its early days."

  9. Cine comercial

  10. This expression means "commercial cinema," referring to mainstream productions aimed at mass audiences.
  11. "Prefiero el cine comercial a las películas de arte."
  12. "I prefer commercial cinema to art films."

  13. Cine de culto

  14. This refers to "cult cinema," films that have developed a dedicated, passionate fanbase.
  15. "Esa película es considerada un cine de culto."
  16. "That film is considered cult cinema."


The word "cine" originates from the French word "cinéma," which is derived from the Greek word "kinein," meaning "to move." It reflects the essence of motion in films and the art of filmmaking.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Película (film) - Filmografía (filmography)

Antonyms: - Teatro (theater) - Televisión (television)

The word "cine" is intrinsically linked to culture and entertainment, making it a significant term in discussions about filmmaking and artistic expression in the Spanish-speaking world.
