cineasta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cineasta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cineasta is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Cineasta refers to a person who is involved in the filmmaking process, particularly in directing films. It can encompass a range of roles within the cinematic field, including directing, screenwriting, and producing. This term is commonly used in discussions about cinema, film festivals, and the arts. In terms of frequency, it is used fairly often in both oral and written contexts, though it might appear more frequently in written texts related to cinematography and film critique.

Example Sentences

  1. El cineasta ganó varios premios por su última película.
    The filmmaker won several awards for his latest film.

  2. Los cineastas independientes están cambiando la forma en que se cuenta una historia.
    Independent filmmakers are changing the way a story is told.

  3. Mi sueño es convertirme en cineasta y dirigir una película famosa.
    My dream is to become a filmmaker and direct a famous movie.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cineasta" is primarily used to refer to a filmmaker, it does contribute to certain expressions, particularly in professional discussions about film. Here are some idiomatic expressions involving cineasta:

  1. El cineasta de la nueva ola.
    (The filmmaker of the new wave.)
    Refers to directors who belong to a new movement in cinema.

  2. Un cineasta en búsqueda de nuevas narrativas.
    (A filmmaker in search of new narratives.)
    Describes a director who seeks innovative ways to tell stories.

  3. El cineasta se arriesga a romper las convenciones.
    (The filmmaker dares to break conventions.)
    Indicates a filmmaker who tries new styles or formats.

  4. Un buen cineasta no teme la crítica.
    (A good filmmaker is not afraid of criticism.)
    Implies that an accomplished filmmaker can accept and learn from feedback.


The term cineasta comes from the Spanish language and is derived from the word "cine," meaning "cinema," combined with the suffix “-asta,” which often denotes a profession or a specific type of person engaged in a particular activity. This formation reflects the individual's connection to the film medium.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, cineasta is a prominent term in the world of film that signifies not just a director but an artist involved in the creation of visual storytelling, indicative of the importance of cinema in culture and society.
