circuito - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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circuito (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "circuito" refers to a closed path through which an electric current flows or a series of interrelated things. It is commonly used in the fields of electronics, electrical engineering, and telecommunications. In a legal context, it can refer to a set route or method established for certain procedures. In everyday language, it often conveys the idea of coherence and connection among elements.

Frequency of Use: The term "circuito" is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially in technical discussions or explanations.

Example Sentences

  1. El circuito de la computadora se dañó y necesita ser reparado.
    The computer circuit was damaged and needs to be repaired.

  2. Para entender mejor, debemos estudiar el circuito del proceso económico.
    To understand better, we must study the circuit of the economic process.

  3. El circuito de carreras atrae a miles de aficionados cada año.
    The racing circuit attracts thousands of fans every year.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "circuito" does not have a vast array of idiomatic expressions, it can be part of broader phrases or contexts, especially in technical and functional descriptions.

  1. "Estar en el circuito"
    To be in the circuit (to be popular or known in a certain group)
  2. Ella está en el circuito de artistas locales.
    She is in the local artists' circuit.

  3. "Saldar el circuito"
    To settle the circuit (to complete a process or return to a previous state)

  4. Será necesario saldar el circuito de atención al cliente.
    It will be necessary to settle the customer service circuit.

  5. "Romper el circuito"
    To break the circuit (to disrupt a flow or process)

  6. Un mal comentario puede romper el circuito de confianza.
    A bad comment can break the trust circuit.


The word "circuito" comes from Latin "circuitus," derived from the verb "circuitare," meaning "to go around." This etymology reflects the idea of a closed loop or a roundabout way of doing something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Trayectoria (trajectory) - Ruta (route) - Circuito eléctrico (electric circuit)

Antonyms: - Desconectado (disconnected) - Aislado (isolated) - Separado (separated)

This summary provides a comprehensive understanding of the term "circuito" as it is used in Spanish across different contexts, emphasizing its versatility and relevance in numerous domains.
