circular - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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circular (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective and Noun

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "circular" primarily refers to something that has the shape of a circle. As an adjective, it describes objects or entities that are round or circular in form. As a noun, it can refer to a type of document or notice that is distributed widely, such as a memo or announcement within a company or organization.

The frequency of use of "circular" can be considered moderate, as it appears both in general conversation and written contexts, particularly in formal writing in commerce, law, and administration.

Example Sentences

  1. La mesa es circular y tiene cuatro sillas alrededor.
  2. The table is circular and has four chairs around it.

  3. Recibí un circular de la empresa informando sobre la nueva política de trabajo.

  4. I received a circular from the company informing about the new work policy.

  5. El jardín tiene una fuente circular en el centro.

  6. The garden has a circular fountain in the center.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "circular" is often used in specific contexts but doesn't have many widely recognized idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, there are common phrases where "circular" appears in a more metaphorical sense:

  1. Circular en círculos
  2. Esto es una pérdida de tiempo, estamos circulando en círculos sin llegar a una solución.
  3. This is a waste of time; we are going around in circles without reaching a solution.

  4. Circular información

  5. Es importante circular información relevante entre los empleados para que todos estén al tanto.
  6. It is important to circulate relevant information among employees so that everyone is aware.

  7. Circular como una rueda

  8. La vida a veces se siente circular como una rueda, siempre repitiendo lo mismo.
  9. Life sometimes feels circular like a wheel, always repeating the same things.


The word "circular" comes from the Latin "circularis," which means "pertaining to a circle," derived from "circulus," meaning "small circle." This etymology reflects both the shape and the notion of circulation or distribution, significant to its modern usage in documentation.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "circular" is a versatile term used to describe round shapes and the distribution of information in various professional contexts. Its etymology and associated idiomatic expressions enrich its use in the Spanish language.
