circunstancias - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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circunstancias (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "circunstancias" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

Phonetic transcription using International Phonetic Alphabet:
/siɾ.kum.stanˈθjas/ (in Spain) or /siɾ.kumˈstɑn.sjas/ (in Latin America).

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "circunstancias" refers to the conditions or facts surrounding a particular event or situation. It conveys the idea of variables that impact the outcome or understanding of an event or matter. The word is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, often found in discussions related to social sciences, legal contexts, academic writing, and everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Las circunstancias actuales requieren una revisión de nuestras políticas.
    The current circumstances require a review of our policies.

  2. No puedo tomar una decisión sin conocer todas las circunstancias.
    I cannot make a decision without knowing all the circumstances.

  3. Las circunstancias de su vida han cambiado drásticamente en el último año.
    The circumstances of her life have changed dramatically in the past year.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "circunstancias" is often involved in various phrases and idiomatic expressions. Below are some notable examples:

  1. "Bajo determinadas circunstancias"
    Under certain circumstances
    Bajo determinadas circunstancias, podríamos reconsiderar la oferta.
    Under certain circumstances, we could reconsider the offer.

  2. "En circunstancias normales"
    In normal circumstances
    En circunstancias normales, el evento comenzaría a las 8 p.m.
    In normal circumstances, the event would start at 8 p.m.

  3. "A pesar de las circunstancias"
    Despite the circumstances
    A pesar de las circunstancias, seguimos adelante con el proyecto.
    Despite the circumstances, we move forward with the project.

  4. "Circunstancias atenuantes"
    Mitigating circumstances
    El juez consideró las circunstancias atenuantes antes de dictar sentencia.
    The judge considered the mitigating circumstances before sentencing.


The word "circunstancias" originates from the Latin term "circumstantia," derived from "circumstant-", which means "standing around." The prefix "circum-" means "around," signifying the various factors or conditions that "surround" a situation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Situaciones (situations) - Condiciones (conditions) - Factores (factors)

Antonyms: - Estabilidad (stability) - Certidumbre (certainty)

This comprehensive overview of the word "circunstancias" highlights its significance in the Spanish language and its various applications in both oral and written forms.
