cisma - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cisma (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "cisma" in Spanish refers to a division or split, typically within a group or organization, resulting from differences in beliefs, opinions, or ideologies. It can be used in various contexts, including religious, political, or social situations.

In Colombian and Argentine contexts, "cisma" can be used in discussions about historical events, religious separations, or even literary movements that led to significant changes in thought or direction within a group.

The word is fairly common in both written and spoken contexts, although it might appear more frequently in academic, formal, or theological discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La creación de un nuevo partido político resultó en un cisma dentro de la organización original.
  2. The creation of a new political party resulted in a schism within the original organization.

  3. El cisma en la iglesia provocó la fundación de varias sectas diferentes.

  4. The schism in the church led to the founding of several different sects.

  5. La controversia sobre el tema del aborto generó un cisma en la comunidad.

  6. The controversy over the topic of abortion generated a split in the community.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cisma" can also be involved in certain idiomatic expressions, often relating to divisions or conflicts within groups.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Después del cisma, quedó un fuerte resentimiento entre los miembros de la comunidad.
  2. After the schism, there was a strong resentment among community members.

  3. Los líderes intentaron sanar el cisma, pero las heridas eran demasiado profundas.

  4. The leaders tried to heal the schism, but the wounds were too deep.

  5. El cisma social que enfrentamos hoy es un reflejo de las desigualdades históricas.

  6. The social schism we face today is a reflection of historical inequalities.

  7. Las diferencias ideológicas causaron un cisma que aún no se ha superado.

  8. The ideological differences caused a schism that has yet to be overcome.

  9. Un cisma entre los seguidores de dos líderes políticos ha polarizado la sociedad.

  10. A schism between the followers of two political leaders has polarized society.


The word "cisma" comes from the Latin "schisma," which in turn derives from the Greek "schisma" (σχίσμα), meaning "a cleaving or division," from the verb "schizein" (σχίζειν), meaning "to split" or "to divide."

Synonyms and Antonyms


