citado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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citado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "citado" is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "citado" using the International Phonetic Alphabet is /siˈtaðo/.

Translation Options into English

The word "citado" can be translated into English as: - "cited" - "summoned" - "referred"

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "citado" generally refers to someone who has been mentioned or referred to in a text or document, especially in legal contexts, where it can imply that a person has been officially summoned to court or to give testimony. Its frequency of use aligns more with written contexts, especially in legal documents or academic writing. However, it is also used in discussions that involve reference to sources or proofs in both spoken and written communications.

Example Sentences

  1. El abogado presentó al testigo citado en el juicio.
  2. The lawyer presented the witness cited in the trial.

  3. El informe incluye varios autores citados al final del documento.

  4. The report includes several authors cited at the end of the document.

  5. La ley exige que todos los códigos citados sean actualizados.

  6. The law requires that all cited codes be updated.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "citado" is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions by itself, it can form part of phrases related to legal and academic contexts. Below are a few examples showing its association with citation and reference:

  1. El documento fue citado en el fallo del tribunal.
  2. The document was cited in the court's ruling.

  3. Muchos autores han sido citados en los estudios sobre este tema.

  4. Many authors have been cited in studies on this topic.

  5. La respuesta del experto fue citado por varios medios.

  6. The expert's response was cited by several media outlets.


The word "citado" comes from the verb "citar," which means "to cite" or "to summon." Its roots can be traced back to Latin "citare," which means "to summon" or "to stir up."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Aludido (mentioned) - Referido (referred) - Convocado (summoned)

Antonyms: - Ignorado (ignored) - Olvidado (forgotten) - Desatendido (unattended)

In summary, "citado" is a versatile term primarily used in legal and academic contexts, reflecting its significant role in referring to sources or summoning individuals for testimonies or defenses.
