ciudadano - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ciudadano (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "ciudadano" refers to a person who is legally recognized as a member of a state or nation, endowed with rights and responsibilities related to their civic status. In the Spanish language, this word is commonly used in political, legal, and social contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Cada ciudadano tiene el derecho de votar en las elecciones.
  2. Every citizen has the right to vote in elections.

  3. Los ciudadanos deben cumplir con las leyes del país.

  4. Citizens must comply with the laws of the country.

  5. El gobierno ha implementado programas para ayudar a los ciudadanos en necesidad.

  6. The government has implemented programs to assist citizens in need.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "ciudadano" often appears in idiomatic expressions and phrases that evoke civic responsibility, identity, and social connection. Here are some examples:

  1. Ciudades de ciudadanos.
  2. Cities of citizens.
  3. Refers to urban areas that prioritize the rights, welfare, and participation of residents.

  4. Ciudadano del mundo.

  5. Citizen of the world.
  6. Describes someone who feels a sense of belonging and responsibility to the global community, beyond national boundaries.

  7. Derechos del ciudadano.

  8. Rights of the citizen.
  9. Refers to the legal rights and protections afforded to a person based on their civic status.

  10. Voz del ciudadano.

  11. Voice of the citizen.
  12. Represents public opinion and input from the general populace, especially in democratic contexts.

  13. Ciudadano ejemplar.

  14. Exemplary citizen.
  15. Refers to an individual who actively participates in civic duties and adheres to societal values.

  16. Ciudadano responsable.

  17. Responsible citizen.
  18. Highlights the importance of one’s duties and ethical conduct within the community.


The word "ciudadano" originates from the Latin term "civitas", which means city or state, combined with the suffix "-ano," indicating belonging or relatedness. Over time, it has evolved to refer specifically to individuals recognized within a civic framework.

Synonyms and Antonyms
