ciudadela - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ciudadela (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Ciudadela" refers to a fortified structure designed to protect inhabitants and serve as a refuge, typically used in a military context. In modern usage, the term can also refer to governmental or organizational headquarters. The word is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish, although its frequency varies depending on context, such as historical discussions, architectural studies, and discussions about urban planning.

Example Sentences

  1. La ciudadela de la Habana es una de las más antiguas de América.
    The citadel of Havana is one of the oldest in America.

  2. Durante la guerra, la ciudadela sirvió como refugio para los soldados.
    During the war, the citadel served as a refuge for soldiers.

  3. Visitar la ciudadela nos permitió aprender sobre la historia militar del lugar.
    Visiting the citadel allowed us to learn about the military history of the place.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "ciudadela" itself may not feature extensively in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in phrases reflecting strongholds or protection:

  1. Ciudadela del conocimiento
    Citadel of knowledge
    El colegio se considera una ciudadela del conocimiento para muchos estudiantes.
    The school is considered a citadel of knowledge for many students.

  2. Construir una ciudadela de seguridad
    To build a citadel of security
    Después del robo, decidieron construir una ciudadela de seguridad en su casa.
    After the robbery, they decided to build a citadel of security in their house.

  3. Mi mente es una ciudadela de ideas
    My mind is a citadel of ideas
    Siempre tengo muchas ideas; mi mente es una ciudadela de ideas.
    I always have a lot of ideas; my mind is a citadel of ideas.

  4. Ciudadela de la libertad
    Citadel of freedom
    La revolución fue vista como una ciudadela de la libertad y la esperanza.
    The revolution was seen as a citadel of freedom and hope.


The word "ciudadela" comes from the Latin "civitas," which means "city." The suffix "-ela" signifies a smaller or diminutive form, hence conveying the notion of a little city or a fortified place.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Fortaleza (Fortress) - Castillo (Castle) - Alcázar (Palace/Fortress)

Antonyms: - Desamparo (Vulnerability) - Abandonado (Abandoned)

This comprehensive analysis covers the meaning, usage, examples, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and related words for "ciudadela."
