cizalla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cizalla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term cizalla refers to a type of cutting tool or shear used in various engineering and metalworking contexts. It is often employed to cut through sheet metal or other materials. The usage of this term is more prevalent in technical and industrial contexts rather than in everyday conversation.

In terms of frequency, cizalla is commonly used in written contexts, particularly in materials related to engineering, manufacturing, and technical training.

Example Sentences

  1. La cizalla es fundamental para trabajar el metal en la industria.
    The shear is essential for working with metal in the industry.

  2. Utilizamos la cizalla para cortar las chapas de acero.
    We use the shear to cut the steel sheets.

  3. Asegúrate de que la cizalla esté bien afilada antes de comenzar.
    Make sure the shear is well-sharpened before starting.

Idiomatic Expressions

While cizalla itself is not often featured in idiomatic expressions, here are some relevant expressions that might employ the concept of cutting or shearing metaphorically:

  1. Cizallar (algo) - This refers to cutting something down, either literally or metaphorically, indicating a diminishing action.
  2. a. Siempre hago cizalla sobre mis gastos cuando el dinero escasea.
    I always cut down on my expenses when money is tight.

  3. No cizalles mis sueños - This phrase means "don't cut down my dreams".

  4. a. Me dijeron que no cizalle mis sueños, porque son importantes para mí.
    They told me not to cut down my dreams because they are important to me.

  5. Cizalla en el debate - Refers to a significant cut or change in a debate or discussion.

  6. a. Su intervención fue como una cizalla en el debate, cambiándolo por completo.
    His intervention was like a shear in the debate, changing it completely.


The word cizalla comes from the Latin cīzāvīlla, which is derived from the verb cizāre, meaning to cut or shear. Its roots reflect the function of cutting or shearing that is central to its meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive information about cizalla sheds light on its role in both everyday and technical language in Spanish, showcasing its importance in various contexts.
