clamar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clamar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To cry out
  2. To proclaim
  3. To call upon

Meaning and Usage

The verb "clamar" means to cry out, to call, or to proclaim something loudly or with great emotion. It can be used in various contexts, including expressing distress, demanding attention, or fervently advocating for a cause.

It is utilized in both oral speech and written contexts, with a higher frequency in literary and poetic works due to its emotive connotation. The use of "clamar" can denote a sense of urgency or desperation in emotional appeals.

Frequency of Use

"Clamar" is relatively common in literary contexts and formal speech but may not be as frequent in casual conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Clamar por justicia es un derecho de todos.
    Crying out for justice is a right for all.

  2. El pueblo clamó ante la opresión del gobierno.
    The people cried out against the oppression of the government.

  3. Ella clamó su amor por la libertad durante el discurso.
    She proclaimed her love for freedom during the speech.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "clamar" is not the focus of many idiomatic expressions, it is nevertheless used in various contexts that emphasize its meaning. Here are a few examples:

  1. Clamar al cielo.
    To cry out to heaven.
    This idiom denotes an appeal for divine help or expresses a situation that is so terrible it feels worthy of heavenly intervention.
  2. Ella clamó al cielo por ayuda cuando perdió su hogar.
    She cried out to heaven for help when she lost her home.

  3. Clamar venganza.
    To cry for vengeance.
    This phrase is used when someone seeks justice or revenge for a wrong done to them.

  4. Después de la traición, decidió clamar venganza.
    After the betrayal, he decided to cry for vengeance.

  5. Clamar por auxilio.
    To cry for help.
    This expression refers to a strong call for assistance in times of distress or danger.

  6. Los niños comenzaron a clamar por auxilio cuando se perdió en el bosque.
    The children began to cry for help when he got lost in the forest.


The word "clamar" comes from the Latin "clamare," which means "to cry out or shout." This origin reflects its emotive and vocal implications in Spanish, preserving the sense of urgency and loudness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Gritar (to shout) - Vociferar (to vociferate) - Proclamar (to proclaim)

Antonyms: - Callar (to silence) - Silenciar (to silence) - Esconder (to hide)
