clamar al cielo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clamar al cielo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "clamar al cielo" is a verb phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/klaˈmaɾ al ˈθje.lo/ (In Latin America, it may be pronounced as /klaˈmaɾ al ˈsje.lo/)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "clamar al cielo" literally translates to "to cry out to heaven." It is often used in Spanish to express a serious or desperate plea for help, justice, or a solution to significant problems. This phrase tends to be found in both oral and written contexts, although it may be more commonly used in oral expressions when people refer to their emotional state or when addressing misfortunes. Its frequency of use can vary depending on regional dialects and individual speakers.

Example Sentences

  1. "No puedo soportar más esta injusticia, ¡clamar al cielo es lo único que me queda!"
    "I can no longer bear this injustice, crying out to heaven is all I have left!"

  2. "Cuando vi el desastre, no pude evitar clamar al cielo por ayuda."
    "When I saw the disaster, I couldn’t help but cry out to heaven for help."

  3. "Al perder su hogar, comenzó a clamar al cielo por una solución."
    "After losing her home, she began to cry out to heaven for a solution."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Clamar al cielo" can be part of idiomatic expressions, often conveying a deep sense of urgency or despair. It is commonly associated with situations where someone feels powerless against overwhelming circumstances.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Es un abuso clamar al cielo por justicia cuando no hay ningún interés en ayudar."
    "It's an abuse to cry out to heaven for justice when there is no interest in helping."

  2. "Después de lo que hizo, solo puedo clamar al cielo por su buena suerte."
    "After what he did, I can only cry out to heaven for his good luck."

  3. "Clamar al cielo por respuestas es a menudo inútil; debemos actuar."
    "Crying out to heaven for answers is often useless; we must take action."

  4. "Cuando enfrentó la traición, sintió la necesidad de clamar al cielo."
    "When he faced betrayal, he felt the need to cry out to heaven."

  5. "No hay razón para clamar al cielo si podemos encontrar soluciones aquí abajo."
    "There’s no reason to cry out to heaven if we can find solutions down here."


The word "clamar" stems from the Latin "clamare," meaning "to shout or cry out." "Cielo" is derived from the Late Latin "caelum," meaning "sky" or "heaven." This expression captures a profound emotional summoning, linking earthly struggles with divine appeal.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This phrase encompasses a powerful emotional appeal, deeply embedded in both language and culture, reflecting the human condition's struggles and aspirations.
