clamoroso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clamoroso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "clamoroso" is an adjective in Spanish that conveys the idea of being very loud, noisy, or characterized by a lot of commotion. It is often used to describe sounds, events, or situations that are overwhelming and attention-grabbing due to their volume or intensity.

"Clamoroso" can also carry connotations of being glaring or conspicuous, especially in contexts relating to social or political issues where voices are raised in protest or demand. It is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, although its usage might be more common in written descriptions of events or situations.

Example Sentences

  1. El clamoroso silencio de la sala hizo que todos se miraran con sorpresa.
    The clamorous silence in the room made everyone look at each other in surprise.

  2. Durante la protesta, los manifestantes hicieron clamorosos llamados a la justicia.
    During the protest, the demonstrators made clamorous calls for justice.

  3. La música en el festival era tan clamorosa que se podía escuchar a kilómetros de distancia.
    The music at the festival was so clamorous that it could be heard kilometers away.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Clamoroso" is often part of phrases that express loudness or urgent demands. Below are several idiomatic expressions featuring the word:

  1. Clamoroso fracaso
    Clamoroso fracaso en la reunión, nadie aprobó la propuesta.
    Clamorous failure in the meeting; no one approved the proposal.

  2. Clamoroso triunfo
    El equipo celebró su clamoroso triunfo con un gran desfile.
    The team celebrated its clamorous triumph with a big parade.

  3. Clamoroso silencio
    El clamoroso silencio durante su discurso fue inquietante.
    The clamorous silence during his speech was unsettling.

  4. Clamoroso escándalo
    El clamoroso escándalo político sacudió al país entero.
    The clamorous political scandal shook the entire country.

  5. Dejar un clamoroso impacto
    Su actuación dejó un clamoroso impacto entre los espectadores.
    His performance left a clamorous impact among the audience.


The word "clamoroso" derives from the Latin "clamorosus," which is rooted in "clamor" meaning "loud noise" or "cry." The etymological components indicate a strength or loudness that translates into the modern use of the word in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms
