clan - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clan (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "clan" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Clan
  2. Tribe
  3. Family

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "clan" refers to a group of people united by a common interest, ancestry, or cultural background. It is used to describe familial groups, tribes, or even close-knit communities with shared values and goals. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, often in discussions related to sociology, anthropology, or cultural studies.

Frequency of Use

The word "clan" is moderately frequent in everyday conversation and literature, particularly in discussions around societal structures, family dynamics, and cultural identity.

Example Sentences

  1. El clan de los García tiene una larga historia en esta región.
    The García clan has a long history in this region.

  2. Vimos una película sobre un clan que lucha por su tierra.
    We watched a movie about a clan fighting for its land.

  3. Es importante que el clan mantenga sus tradiciones vivas.
    It is important for the clan to keep its traditions alive.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "clan" itself does not appear in many fixed idiomatic expressions, it is often referenced in phrases discussing familial or tribal connections. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Unirse al clan"
    To join the clan
    Siempre he querido unirme al clan de los viajeros.
    I have always wanted to join the clan of travelers.

  2. "Clan de amigos"
    Group of friends
    Este verano, mi clan de amigos irá a la playa juntos.
    This summer, my group of friends will go to the beach together.

  3. "El clan familiar"
    The family clan
    El clan familiar se reúne cada año para celebrar la Navidad.
    The family clan gathers every year to celebrate Christmas.

  4. "Clan cerrado"
    Closed clan
    A veces, es difícil entrar en un clan cerrado.
    Sometimes, it is hard to get into a closed clan.

  5. "Protección del clan"
    Protection of the clan
    La protección del clan es fundamental en tiempos de crisis.
    The protection of the clan is essential in times of crisis.


The word "clan" comes from the Scottish Gaelic "clann," meaning "children" or "descendants." It was originally used to denote groups of families or descendants in Scottish and Irish contexts and has been adopted in the Spanish language retaining a similar meaning of familial connections and tribal groups.


