clandestinidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clandestinidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Clandestinidad" refers to the state of being clandestine or secret. It is often associated with activities that are hidden or not officially sanctioned, such as political movements, underground organizations, or illegal operations. The word conveys a sense of concealment and often implies a degree of risk or danger associated with being undisclosed.

In the Spanish language, "clandestinidad" frequently appears in both oral and written contexts, particularly in political discourse, literature, and journalistic reports. Its usage is relatively common when discussing clandestine operations, activism, or social movements.

Example Sentences

  1. La organización operó en la clandestinidad durante muchos años antes de hacerse pública.

    The organization operated in clandestinity for many years before going public.

  2. La clandestinidad de sus actividades generó sospechas entre las autoridades.

    The clandestineness of their activities raised suspicions among the authorities.

  3. Muchos grupos políticos trabajan en la clandestinidad para evitar la represión.

    Many political groups work in clandestinity to avoid repression.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "clandestinidad" is often used in idiomatic expressions related to secrecy and hidden activities. Here are a few examples:

  1. Vivir en la clandestinidad

    La activista decidió vivir en la clandestinidad para proteger su vida.
    The activist decided to live in clandestinity to protect her life.

  2. Actuar en la clandestinidad

    Los opositores al régimen suelen actuar en la clandestinidad para evitar represalias.
    Opponents of the regime often act in clandestinity to avoid reprisals.

  3. Operar en la clandestinidad

    El grupo insurgente comenzó a operar en la clandestinidad después de la persecución gubernamental.
    The insurgent group began to operate in clandestinity after government persecution.

  4. Llevar una vida en la clandestinidad

    Algunos refugiados llevan una vida en la clandestinidad en busca de seguridad.
    Some refugees live a life in clandestinity in search of safety.


The word "clandestinidad" comes from the Latin "clandestinus," which means "secret" or "hidden," derived from "clam," meaning "secretly." The suffix "-idad" is a common Spanish noun-forming suffix that conveys a state or condition.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Secreto
- Ocultación
- Disimulo

- Publicidad
- Transparencia
- Legalidad
