clara - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clara (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

The adjective "clara" is often used to refer to something that is clear or easy to understand, as well as something bright or light in color. It can also denote the obviousness of a statement or concept. It is a feminine form of the masculine adjective "claro".

In terms of usage, "clara" is common in both oral and written contexts, although it may appear slightly more frequently in spoken language due to its colloquial nature. The word is used often in various contexts to describe clarity in communication, illumination, or even in abstract concepts.

Example Sentences

  1. La explicación fue tan clara que todos entendieron el tema.
    (The explanation was so clear that everyone understood the subject.)

  2. Prefiero la pintura clara porque ilumina más la habitación.
    (I prefer the bright painting because it lights up the room.)

  3. Su respuesta fue clara y directa.
    (Her answer was clear and direct.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "clara" appears in several idiomatic expressions related to clarity, brightness, or simplicity. Below are some notable examples:

  1. Está claro como el agua.
    (It’s as clear as water.)
    Meaning: Something is very obvious or easy to understand.

  2. Ver las cosas con claridad.
    (To see things clearly.)
    Meaning: To understand a situation or concept well.

  3. Es claro que no vamos a llegar a un acuerdo.
    (It's clear that we are not going to reach an agreement.)
    Meaning: It's obvious that an agreement is not possible.

  4. Que quede claro.
    (Let it be clear.)
    Meaning: To emphasize a point so that there is no misunderstanding.

  5. No está claro.
    (It is not clear.)
    Meaning: Referring to something that is confusing or ambiguous.

Additional Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Tan claro como el día.
    (As clear as day.)
    Meaning: Very obvious or bright.

  2. Por si queda claro.
    (Just to be clear.)
    Meaning: To clarify something that might be misunderstood.

  3. Tener las ideas claras.
    (To have clear ideas.)
    Meaning: To have a solid understanding or vision of something.


The word "clara" comes from the Latin "clarus," which means "clear, bright, loud." The Latin root has evolved in various Romance languages while retaining a similar meaning related to clarity and brightness.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This overview captures the multifaceted use of "clara" in Spanish, showcasing its various meanings and applications in language as well as its idiomatic significance.
