clarividencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clarividencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Clarividencia" refers to the supposed ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact. It is derived from the roots "claro" (clear) and "videncia" (vision). The term is commonly used in discussions of psychic abilities, spirituality, and paranormal phenomena. It has a moderate frequency of use, being more prevalent in written texts such as articles on paranormal studies and spirituality than in everyday spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. La clarividencia ha sido un tema de debate en la ciencia y la espiritualidad.
  2. Clairvoyance has been a topic of debate in science and spirituality.

  3. Muchas personas creen que la clarividencia puede ayudar a predecir el futuro.

  4. Many people believe that clairvoyance can help predict the future.

  5. Ella afirma que tiene clarividencia y puede ver eventos que están por venir.

  6. She claims that she has clairvoyance and can see events that are to come.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "clarividencia" may not appear in many idiomatic expressions, it embodies certain concepts related to insight and foresight. Here are some examples of related expressions:

  1. Tener clarividencia en la vida
  2. Significa tener una percepción clara de las situaciones que se avecinan.
  3. To have clairvoyance in life means to have a clear perception of upcoming situations.

  4. Ver más allá de la clarividencia

  5. Se utiliza para referirse a alguien que tiene una percepción profunda y comprensiva, más allá de lo superficial.
  6. To see beyond clairvoyance is used to refer to someone who has a deep and comprehensive perception, beyond the superficial.

  7. La clarividencia no siempre garantiza la verdad

  8. Esta frase indica que las percepciones, aunque parezcan claras, pueden no ser precisas.
  9. Clairvoyance does not always guarantee the truth indicates that perceptions, although they may seem clear, can be inaccurate.


"Clarividencia" comes from Latin roots, where "clarus" means clear and "videntia" means vision. Over time, it evolved in Spanish to refer specifically to the concept of clear or heightened perception, particularly in a metaphysical or spiritual context.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive analysis of "clarividencia" provides an insight into its usage, meanings, and relevance in both language and culture.
