claro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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claro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: - Adjective

Phonetic transcription: - /ˈklaɾo/

Meanings and Usage Patterns: - The word "claro" in Spanish means "clear" or "obvious". It is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish. It is a frequently used adjective in everyday conversations and written texts.

Verb Forms: - As "claro" is an adjective, it does not have different forms for various verb tenses or gerunds.

Example Phrases: - Claro que sí. (Of course.) - Está claro que ella no quiere venir. (It's clear that she doesn't want to come.)

Idiomatic Expressions: - "Por supuesto", "por descontado", "sin lugar a dudas" are common idiomatic expressions that are used interchangeably with "claro" to express agreement or certainty. - Examples: - Por supuesto que iré a la fiesta. (Of course I will go to the party.) - Sin lugar a dudas, ella es la mejor candidata. (Without a doubt, she is the best candidate.)

Etymology: - The word "claro" comes from the Latin word "clarus", which means "clear" or "bright".

Synonyms: - Synonyms for "claro" include: evidente (evident), obvio (obvious), transparente (transparent).

Antonyms: - Antonyms for "claro" include: oscuro (dark), confuso (confusing), turbio (murky).