claustro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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claustro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "claustro" has a few primary meanings depending on the context:

  1. Cloister: It refers to a part of a monastery or convent that is closed off to the outside world, typically consisting of a covered walkway.
  2. Faculty: In academic settings, "claustro" can also refer to the body of faculty members or professors in a university or institution.
  3. Enclosure: It may refer to any enclosed courtyard, especially in the context of religious or educational institutions.

The term is generally more used in written contexts, particularly in legal and academic discussions. Its frequency of use can vary, but it is most commonly found in literature discussing architecture, education, or ecclesiastical matters.

Example Sentences

  1. El claustro del monasterio es un lugar de meditación.
  2. The cloister of the monastery is a place for meditation.
  3. El claustro de la universidad decidió implementar nuevas reformas académicas.
  4. The faculty of the university decided to implement new academic reforms.
  5. El claustro del convento estaba rodeado de hermosos jardines.
  6. The cloister of the convent was surrounded by beautiful gardens.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "claustro" may not feature prominently in idioms, but it is relevant in specific contexts or phrases associated with academic or religious settings.

  1. Sin salir del claustro
  2. Meaning: Without leaving the enclosure (metaphorically refers to staying within a safe or familiar environment).
  3. Example: Ella pasó todo el verano en la biblioteca, sin salir del claustro.

    • She spent the entire summer in the library, without leaving the enclosure.
  4. El claustro académico

  5. Refers to the academic faculty or the assembly of professors.
  6. Example: El claustro académico se reunirá para discutir los cambios en el plan de estudios.

    • The academic faculty will meet to discuss changes to the curriculum.
  7. En el claustro del poder

  8. Meaning: In the inner circle of power, refers to being involved in the decision-making processes of an organization.
  9. Example: Solo unos pocos están en el claustro del poder en la empresa.
    • Only a few are in the inner circle of power in the company.


The word "claustro" comes from the Latin "claustrum," meaning "enclosure" or "cloister." It is derived from the verb "claudere," which means "to close." The use in modern Spanish has preserved much of the original meaning related to enclosed spaces.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cloister: Referring to the architectural term. - Facultad: Referring to a faculty in an educational context.

Antonyms: - Apertura: Openness or opening, in contrast to enclosures. - Público: Public, as opposed to the private nature of a cloister.

This comprehensive breakdown should provide a robust understanding of the word "claustro" in various contexts.
