clausurar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clausurar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb clausurar is used primarily in formal contexts, especially in legal and administrative language. It refers to the act of closing an establishment, stopping operations, or legally sealing a place as a result of an infraction or due to administrative orders.

Clausurar can be found in both spoken and written forms, although it is more common in written contexts, particularly in legal documents, administrative notices, and news articles pertaining to laws and regulations.

Example Sentences

  1. La policía decidió clausurar el bar por incumplir con las normas de seguridad.
  2. The police decided to shut down the bar for violating safety regulations.

  3. Se notificó a la empresa que sería clausurada por el incumplimiento de las leyes laborales.

  4. The company was notified that it would be closed due to violations of labor laws.

  5. El juez ordenó clausurar el edificio hasta que se realizaran las reparaciones necesarias.

  6. The judge ordered the building to be sealed until necessary repairs were made.

Idiomatic Expressions

While clausurar may not be part of many idiomatic expressions, it can combine with other phrases in specific contexts. Here are a few examples:

  1. Clausurar una investigación
  2. Clausurar una investigación significa poner fin oficialmente a un caso.
  3. Closing an investigation means officially ending a case.

  4. Clausurar un negocio

  5. La situación económica llevó a clausurar un negocio familiar que había estado abierto por más de 50 años.
  6. The economic situation led to the closure of a family business that had been open for over 50 years.

  7. Prevenir la clausura

  8. Se están tomando medidas para prevenir la clausura de instalaciones deportivas en la ciudad.
  9. Measures are being taken to prevent the closure of sports facilities in the city.


The word clausurar comes from the Latin claudere, which means "to shut" or "to close." The prefix 'claus-' refers to the action of closing off.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cerrar (to close) - Sellar (to seal) - Interrumpir (to interrupt)

Antonyms: - Abrir (to open) - Iniciar (to start) - Activar (to activate)

In summary, clausurar is a formal term predominantly used in legal and regulatory contexts, illustrating actions of closing establishments or operations, often associated with compliance or safety issues. Its usage is more prevalent in written language, and its root reflects a long-standing association with the act of closing.
